Videomapping offer

Videomapping is a completely new direction of the audio-visual art and  presentation. In a simplified way, it is projecting by highly effective video-projectors on the real objects, most often on the external facades of buildings. However, it is possible to arrange e.g. projecting on cars during presentation at  car show, on  the artificially created coulisses, even on the artificial fog. Each videomapping is prepared precisely depending on the given space. Each videomapping becomes the unique original in this way.

Thanks to customized projections it is possible to create the scenes completely differing from the reality. Thanks to videomapping you can change any modern building in a dilapidated shack, you can  deform it, pull it down and to build it again. You can put the standing car in movement, and during its virtual ride you can change the colour of bodywork, the surface, on which it is going as well as the environment in which it moves. Thanks to videomapping you can do practically everything, the only restriction is here only the creativity and abilities of the author.



In the Czech Republic, you may see videomapping for example during the  municipal festivities or important anniversaries most often. In these cases, the most favourite topic is the thematical displaying of the history of the town, municipality or a particular  building. These projections are mostly supplemented by the historic photographs or changing the symbols of towns into their historic form. 3D deformation of buildings, their pulling down and similar visual effects  are  especially attractive.

To exploit maximally all the dimensions of videomapping and to achieve the required space illusion,  the precise measuring of the projection space including all its details, and the correct designing  of 3D models and scenes is necessary. Without these elements videomapping cannot achieve the desired effect on viewers.



An inseparable part of each quality videomapping is also the soundtrack creating almost one half of the total impression. In practice we use therefore the professional soundtrack. All the sounds as well as supporting music are processed exclusively on the technical equipment of highest quality in a specialized studio.

As one of the first companies in the Czech Republic, we prepare also the customized videomapping upon the wish of the client according to his corporate identity. In this particular case we utilize the possiblities of  videomapping and we connect the atmosphere of gala-evening venue with launching a new product in a very effective way.

If you desire to capture the viewers by originality, do not hesitate and contact us!